
Wednesday, January 14, 2004

I have not an ounce of time lately; my schedule is packed so tight the calendar looks like a rainbow. A friend asked the other day if I will be available for a movie soon, and my answer was ... you could conceivably book me in on the 21st.

It's not that I lack organization - I might just be a tad too organized. Some friends I try to see every week, but on top of two jobs, singing, dates, and sleep, I find myself waking up exhausted almost every morning. The heat is never high enough to be sleeping comfortably, and I wake up stiff and popping.

I have to be at work by 8AM tomorrow and I'm working until midnight this evening. There's not enough hours in a day; my ideal day would be 16 hours per day, plus 4 for travelling around, and about 9 more hours for sleeping, getting ready for bed, and other such mundane daily activities. I use up about that much, but since there isn't enough hours in a day I trim off sleep.

There's plenty of sleep in the grave.

Seriously considering a Fugi digital camera and blogger pro. I never thought about going pro in the past due to various factors - lack of ideas and interest in writing being some. Lately I've been coming by good writing material. It would also give me a good place to write down what I actually did and what I saw for the day.

It's always nice to know that my time has gone somewhere - in the past, utilized.
